Isn’t Email Dead?

‘Isn't email dead?’ asks the guy who has just checked his inbox for the 49th time this morning, and it’s only 10:30 AM.

I'm happy to report that emails are well and truly alive. I'm even happier to report that you can make money from Electronic Direct Mail (EDM), and big money at that. What’s even better is that you can turn EDMs into a huge passive income for your business… so, why aren’t you utilising it?

If you haven’t been touched by a series of EDM flows in your internet life, I’ll pay for you and your loved ones to go on an all-expenses Euro summer trip! We’re talking those ‘welcome’ emails, ‘abandoned cart’ reminders, all the way to those ‘back in stock’ emails. These emails are called ‘flows’ or ‘automations,’ and are based purely on your customers' activities or ‘triggers’ - meaning you don’t even have to lift a finger to send them (apart from contacting House of Zemi to set them up for you in the first place).

Let’s take a deep dive into the setup of a classic ‘welcome’ flow. Once a customer has signed up for your mailing list or you’ve captured their email through them purchasing from you, they are more than likely going to end up in your welcome series. We will consider this the ‘trigger’. Once your customer has been triggered to enter the ‘welcome’ flow, we will then set a time delay, which means that the email that flows next will have to wait a certain amount of time before it’s sent. For this example, let’s wait 3 hours before they receive their first email. So, what's in the first email? It all depends on your business. Often, it will be based around a ‘thanks for your purchase and welcome to the family’ concept. Then we will wait a few more days before sending them another email - maybe this time it will contain a discount code for their next purchase - and so on forever and ever. You can even set rules, for example, if a customer hasn’t opened the last 3 emails in a row that you’ve sent, you can remove them from your mailing list entirely or to a brand new flow called ‘customer win back’. Pretty cool, hey?

It’s super important to not overwhelm your customers through EDMs, so you’re going to have to be smart about how often you contact your customers and when. Sure, you can use email marketing to contact your customers 273 times a day, every day, but I guarantee that you won’t have anyone left on your subscription list, or if you do, they've given you their spam email address and probably haven't opened them anyway.

Another thing to keep in mind is your mail delivery health. I’m talking about analytics like open rates, click rates, how many were delivered, how many bounced, all that juicy data we love! It’s so important that you don’t get your sender email account flagged as spam because if your account has been seen to post spam or too many people have reported your emails as spam, you will be penalised, and your emails absolutely will end up in the sad, sad junk or spam folders, where they will inevitably suffer a sweet death, and you won't make any money ever again. With strict anti-spam laws in place within Australia, the number of spam reports against your email account is scarily low, so you need to be sure you’re doing the right thing right from the very start!

Not sure how to increase your open rates, your click rates aren’t looking too crash hot, or maybe you just don’t want your emails to be reported as spam? That’s where we come in… At House of Zemi, we LOVE email automations, and we LOVE using Klaviyo to set them up #notsponsored #wewishitwas. If your business has been sleeping on EDMs, get in touch to see how we can create some flows for you to utilise and watch those passive income dollars slide into your bank account. Cha-ching! Or maybe your interested in an EDM audit just to make sure you’re doing everything correctly to really maximise EDM marketing, smart move there!

Reach out to us to get started, I’ll see you in my inbox soon!


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